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Sexploration Section

Banana or plantain?

Exploring The Curious Case of Bananas and Women

Have you ever wondered how common it is for women to use bananas as a means to masturbate and gain some sexual stimulation? The answer is more common than you would expect, especially among younger women.

Normal and accepted

Exploring the Sensual Mystique of Ancient Egyptian Sexuality

Erotic images in Egyptian art depicted not just physical attraction but symbolized fertility and life. Ancient Egyptians' attitudes towards sex were frank, viewing it as fundamental to life, intertwined with spirituality and humor.

Oral sex pleasures

Cunnilingus, licking to satisfaction

The sexual act of using oral (lips and tongue) to simulate female genitals performed by a person man or woman, on the vulva and vagina.



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Genital Size (It's bigger than you think)

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