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Understanding Diphallia Impacts
Diphallia, or penile duplication, is a rare congenital anomaly resulting in males born with two penises. Its impact is multifaceted, involving physical, psychological, and social challenges, necessitating comprehensive medical attention and societal understanding.
Normal and accepted
Erotic images in Egyptian art depicted not just physical attraction but symbolized fertility and life. Ancient Egyptians' attitudes towards sex were frank, viewing it as fundamental to life, intertwined with spirituality and humor.
men adorned
The Wodaabe tribe's Gerewol festival, held in the Sahel desert of West Africa, is a captivating celebration of courtship and culture where men adorned in vibrant makeup participate in reverse beauty pageants judged by women.
Mid July to August
Picture this: a vibrant mix of color, creativity, and human canvas on the stage of a world-class festival, surrounded by the stunning backdrop of the Austrian Alps. Yes, we are talking about none other than the Austrian Body Painting Festival.
Scarlette Brooks
What makes it better?
This article provides advice for women on how to cultivate a lasting marriage, focusing on communication, putting a partner first, shared interests, individuality, appreciation, physical intimacy, constructive conflict resolution, and growing together.
Bisexuality among women encompasses the capacity to love and be attracted to both genders, navigating a diverse spectrum of desires, relationships, and identities. It celebrates the fluidity and empowerment of women's sexual orientations.

Older women's relationships with younger men challenge norms, hinge on compatibility, vitality, emotional maturity, and control. Longevity of these relationships varies based on individual preferences and relationship goals.

Self-Improvement Steps to Boost Your Attraction
What is attractive?
Enhance your attractiveness through embracing your uniqueness, practicing self-love, expanding your horizons, demonstrating kindness, maintaining good posture, showcasing passion, radiating positivity, living your own life, communicating effectively, and developing culinary skills. These steps enco…
Love in the air
Oxytocin, the "love hormone," is a hormone and neurotransmitter that has numerous benefits for women, including improved mood, enhanced bonding, and increased sexual satisfaction. In this article, we will explore the role of oxytocin in women's health and well-being.difere

The Top Ten Traits Men Find Attractive in Women
What men prefer
Learn about the ten traits that make women attractive to men, including confidence, humor, intelligence, and more. Discover how these qualities can help women attract and build meaningful relationships with men.

sex with another man?
When we think of marriage, we usually think of two people promising to be faithful to each other, for better or worse, till death do them part. However, each couple has their own definition of what constitutes a successful marriage. One such unconventional arrangement is the marriage of Lisa and Robert, a couple who agreed that every decade, Lisa would have the opportunity to pursue a short-term relationship outside of their marriage to fulfill her need for adventure.
What makes it better?
Marriage is an enriching, meaningful journey, but like any journey, it can have its challenges. Achieving a long, happy marriage requires effort, mutual respect, and a healthy dose of patience. Below are some guiding principles and tips specifically tailored to women who aspire to cultivate a lasting bond with their partners.

Banana or plantain?
Every now and then, whispers arise about the use of household items in ways they weren't exactly intended for. One such item, the banana, has been the subject of giggles, whispers, and eyebrow raises for years.

Wodaabe Tribe
men adorned
The Wodaabe tribe's Gerewol festival, held in the Sahel desert of West Africa, is a captivating celebration of courtship and culture where men adorned in vibrant makeup participate in reverse beauty pageants judged by women.
The Austrian Body Painting Festival
Mid July to August
Dive into an immersive artistic odyssey at the Austrian Body Painting Festival. Celebrate creativity, challenge norms, appreciate the human form, and savor the community spirit in a kaleidoscope of colors in Klagenfurt’s vibrant cultural hub.
Japan in the nude
Hadaka Matsuri (裸祭り), or Naked Festival, is a traditional event held at the beginning of spring. The festival originates in Japan and sometimes includes folk dances, firework displays and sacred processions. Some festivals also include mikoshi-carrying ceremonies or other rituals (Shintoism).
at the river bank
Explore the Kumbh Mela festival in India. Kumbh Mela, also known as the Sacred Gathering, is one of the four most important festivals in Hinduism, alongside the Janmashtami festival, Holi and Diwali. This festival is held every 12 years in one of four locations: Allahabad (Prayagraj), Haridwar (Utt…

Genital Size

An online magazine exploring life, lifestyle, sexuality, our bodies, and bodily proportions. What size are your genitals?

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