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One girls opinion

My confession and opinion about penis size and what matters to me.

By Eva Love
A little about me; I am a 23-year-old blonde woman who is 5'5" tall and has a thin waist, large breasts, and hips. I do get some attention when I am out in public and I do enjoy it.
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A little about me; I am a 23-year-old blonde woman who is 5'5" tall and has a thin waist, large breasts, and hips. I do get some attention when I am out in public and I do enjoy it. It feels good when people notice you. I'm a weird mixture of a submissive and independent woman. I have no problem speaking my mind or being honest when someone asks me something and yes, guys, I am single.

I wanted to give my contribution to the issue men have regarding a woman's personal preference when it comes to penis size. It's an important issue for many men and women too; we use them and get pleasure out of their use.

I still remember the first time I saw a penis, I thought it would be much larger than it was flaccid? I guess images of an erect penis had that impression on me. The growth was probably the 'best' part, of seeing how a penis transforms from limp to erect. Fascinating, maybe? I enjoyed and still enjoy that process because you can tell he's getting excited. And more so, knowing that this happens, he is looking at me and seeing me naked.

Does penis size matter to me personally? Yes        

A man with an average penis size can be quite satisfying, but there are limitations when it comes to positions. A larger penis has the advantage of giving deeper penetration in positions where it may be difficult. There's also a point at which a penis can be too small and completely unsatisfactory during sex. When penetration is possible but lack of size leads to too many interruptions. The penis is falling out constantly, not being able to reach penetration in certain positions you enjoy. The feeling of not feeling it sliding deep enough or touching the erogenous zones. I completely dislike it when it constantly falls out with brisk movement, you have to stop to put it back in, just for it to fall out again.   

Does penis size matter visually: Yes

I think it's just more pleasing to the eye. Even if it's very large where it may be painful, it's still a psychological turn-on. Seeing a large penis go erect and noticing its size, is impressive and exciting. When you see a small penis, well, it's just there, nothing exciting, just a little dick, nothing to get you turned on, really, just being honest, and I think most women would agree with me here.        

Is girth important? Yes          

Girth matters, but to a lesser extent than length to me personally, I know some women prefer girth to length, but I prefer length. Too big or thick and I don't enjoy oral sex as much, which is a major factor for me. I like to be able to get the penis in my mouth and feel comfortable that I will not have to open so wide and end up like the joker. Easier to slide a penis in my mouth and take it down as much as I feel comfortable than to feel like the commissure of my lips ripping apart.  There is something to be said for girth when it comes to penetration, but average size seems to be enough for me. I want to be able to enjoy a man's penis in all areas possible, including my vagina, mouth and to a lesser extent, the rear end, on special occasions only.           

What size of penis do I personally prefer?  

I would say for my own personal preference it would be in the range of 7.5-8 inches long. It's the 'perfect' range since it's not too big that it hurts when we are in a position for deep penetration. Where a man gets every inch inside of you, such as missionary position or legs and shoulders position. But it's large enough that you still get a good amount of depth in harder-to-reach positions as well. Many of these positions feel amazing and this is where you need to have the inches to make it count and give pleasure. 

How much does my current partner's penis measure? Six inches, we measured it together.            

I would say his penis is adequate to a certain extent. I will explain since I see sex as a two-part act between a man and a woman. There's the physical part of sex and the mental part, both work with each other. While the 6" may not 'hit the spot for me' in a physical sense and is what I personally would prefer, I still find it satisfying. And when you add in the fact that I love my partner and love being with him, he's 'adequate' as you put it. What would be the point of being with someone based on their penis size?

You may be thinking, well, she mentioned she likes them larger and finds them more exciting. True, but being in a relationship with someone, the person you fall in love with, makes up for everything. Love is much more important than just one body part. You see a person who loves you and you love him for who they are and not just based on one body part. 

Do I wish my partner would have a larger penis? No         

Seeing how he is my 'personal desire, him as a person I don't see a need to tell him what I may or may not prefer in terms of penis size. It holds no real bearing on our situation since we are made for one and the other. I'm quite happy with the whole package as it is and wouldn't think of changing it. He completes me and I complete him, just as it should be, between couples.           

Do I think my personal preference for penis size is related to the size of my vagina: I don't think so? I think I'm within average 'condition' and I fit an 'average' penis size just fine like what my partner has (from his perspective). Since being 'loose' would more or less be related to his girth, I don't need a larger to enjoy it. It would only make sense that it goes both ways, yes. I'm sure tightness matters just as much as size. So perhaps my partner would also prefer I have a different size of the vagina. I have never asked him, but I don't think it matters in the end.

The size makes a difference in how penetration is going to feel, and there's really no denying that. That's not to say that the differences are such that they will go from good to bad, just different. In that regard, size matters, but that doesn't really answer the question. How much does it actually matter? That might be a better question, and the answer (for me) would be very little to absolutely none. If I were looking for a sexual relationship only, it may be something to think about, to go and look for a man with a large penis and enjoy it profoundly.

For a relationship with any meaning, it's not part of the criteria I look for in a man. I may prefer a specific size range, but that's only because on an overall basis, not counting anything else, that size is satisfying. That really doesn't suggest that smaller or larger will be less than satisfying. I'd take a confident man (not overconfident) who wants to please and well as be pleased over some guy with the 'perfect' size. This is what I personally prefer when it comes to penis size.

Eva Love

Genital Size

An online magazine exploring life, lifestyle, sexuality, our bodies, and bodily proportions. What size are your genitals?

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