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A deeper connection

Tantric sex for a deeper and more intimate connection!

Tantric sex is an ancient practice that has been around for centuries. This type of sex is designed to bring partners closer together and deepen their spiritual and emotional connection. Tantric sex goes beyond physical pleasure and is said to be a meditative experience focusing on energy and mindfulness.

Oral sex pleasures

Cunnilingus, licking to satisfaction

What is cunnilingus? It is the sexual act of using oral (lips and tongue) to simulate female genitals performed by a person, man or woman, on the vulva and vagina. The clitoris is the most sexually sensitive part of the human female genitalia.

Starting over

Sex with a new partner after being dumped!

I've been dumped by a partner and left feeling like this isn't the first time my heart has been broken. I know what it's like to have your bubble burst, but you know what? You're better than that! You are going to find someone who will love you for all the reasons you deserve to be loved. So get out there and find them! Don't make the same mistake twice. You don't have to be with them forever. It's not your fault. You can learn from the experience and move on. So...don't make the same mistake twice? It's not your fault. You can learn from the experience and move on. It's not your faul...

Got milk?

What is Erotic Lactation? Did you know that breastfeeding can be a sexual act for many couples?

Erotic lactation also called adult nursing or adult breastfeeding is when you breastfeed your adult partner. This practice can be incredibly intimate and rewarding for both partners in the relationship. However, there are some risks and considerations that you should keep in mind before engaging in it with your partner. Definition Erotic lactation is a sexual fetish in which a person derives sexual gratification from the act of breastfeeding. The term "lactophilia" was first used by physician John Money in 1977, who defined it as an infantile attraction to the mother's breast and nipple....

long lips anyone?

What is labia stretching, and where is it practised?

Labia stretching, also known as labia elongation, is a traditional practice observed in various cultures worldwide, including Africa, Asia, and parts of South America. The origins of this practice are not well-documented, but it is believed to have been passed down through generations as a cultural tradition. The practice of labia stretching typically involves the use of weights or other devices to stretch the labia minora, the inner vaginal lips, gradually. This can be done for various reasons, including cultural and aesthetic reasons and sexual pleasure. In some cultures, labia stretchin...



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Genital Size (It's bigger than you think)

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