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Breast Massage
Breast massage has been traditionally used in various cultures to improve circulation and lymphatic drainage, alleviate pain and discomfort associated with PMS, menopause, or mastitis, and promote general breast health. Here, we present a simple guide on how to perform a breast massage for alleviating sore muscles.

Starting to sag
Breast sagging, scientifically referred to as breast ptosis, is a natural and often inevitable part of the aging process. However, the rate and degree of sagging can vary widely among women due to several influencing factors.

My breasts!
Women across the globe face a universal pressure to conform to societal standards of beauty, often experiencing insecurities about their physical appearances. The breasts, being a key aspect of femininity, are a common source of insecurity. This anxiety stems from various factors, including age, ethnic background, media influences, and societal expectations.

That is one large hole!
Modern society places an overwhelming emphasis on body image, with women often bearing the brunt of societal standards. It is no surprise, then, that many women express anxieties about their bodies, particularly their private parts.

Why is it so dark?
The female body, with all its intricate workings and intricate structures, is a testament to nature's brilliant design. However, society's expectations and standards of beauty often impose undue pressure on women to conform to certain ideals, leading to self-esteem issues and anxiety.

My worries!
The human body in all its uniqueness exhibits wide diversity across individuals, inclusive of both genders. This diversity extends to the intimate parts of our bodies as well, such as the female genitalia.

Genital Size

An online magazine exploring life, lifestyle, sexuality, our bodies, and bodily proportions. What size are your genitals?

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