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Want a cola?
A recent study conducted by researchers at the Northwest Minzu University in China has revealed that drinking Coca-Cola and Pepsi can lead to larger testicles and higher testosterone levels in men. The study was designed to determine the impact of carbonated beverages on fertility and sex organs in men and was conducted on three groups of mice over a period of 15 days. The first group of mice drank only water, while the second group was given different levels of Coca-Cola. The third group was given different levels of Pepsi. The mice were weighed, and their testicles were weighed and blood...

I miss you
The pace of technological advancement in the 21st century is astonishing, and the possibilities of what can be achieved are seemingly endless. The sci-fi concept of transferring consciousness into machines or robots may seem far-fetched, but recent advancements in artificial intelligence and robotics suggest that it may not be as far off as we once thought.

Male Birth Control Pill
In a groundbreaking development, researchers have taken a significant step towards developing a male contraceptive pill. An experimental drug has been discovered that temporarily blocks sperm in mice, with preclinical trials showing it to be effective in preventing pregnancies. This is a major step forward in the quest to find an effective and reliable male birth control method.

Genital Size

An online magazine exploring life, lifestyle, sexuality, our bodies, and bodily proportions. What size are your genitals?

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