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Just a bonus hole?
Today, I sit down to pen my thoughts on a phenomenon that is drawing the ire of many women around the globe, and rightly so. It has come to my attention that there's a growing trend among certain circles within the transgender community to rebrand the biological terminology we use to describe female anatomy, in particular, the term 'vagina'.

Dealing with pubic hair!
As a young woman, I've grown up inundated with images of what our society deems to be the 'perfect body.' Smooth skin, toned abs, slim waist, flawless faces with no hint of a blemish, and of course, the absence of body hair. While these ideals can be challenging for most women to uphold, for me, a particularly troublesome issue is having pubic hair that grows onto my upper thighs.

Sweat under breasts!
We're often told that age is just a number, but as I reach the ripe age of 40, I've begun to feel that certain numbers can, indeed, carry weight. They say that with age comes wisdom, and yet I find myself more perplexed now than ever before. Why, you may wonder? Well, let me start from the beginning.

Three days a week only!
As a woman in my twenties, I am part of a generation that carries the weight of the world’s future on our shoulders. Climate change, resource depletion, and societal pressures all scream for our attention. One societal pressure I've decided to consciously reject is the obsessive culture around daily showering.

No place for hate!
The LGBTQIA2S+ community has long fought for equality, inclusivity, and acceptance. It has been a powerful force in advocating for social change and challenging discriminatory practices. However, it is essential to acknowledge that no community is immune to the potential for extremism and divisiveness. Recent developments have shown signs of a large vocal faction within the LGBTQIA2S+ community adopting aggressive tactics, promoting hate, and alienating ordinary citizens.

Grrr Catgirls!
A concept that emerged from Japanese pop culture, Catgirls, or Neko in the native language, are humanoid characters that possess feline characteristics such as cat ears, tails, and sometimes eyes or claws. Typically appearing in anime, manga, and video games, they have become a distinct trope within this subculture, and recently have started to spur interesting scientific debates.

Genital Size

An online magazine exploring life, lifestyle, sexuality, our bodies, and bodily proportions. What size are your genitals?

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