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The girl with the two inch clitoris

Robin was lost in thought as she rode the Clark St. bus on her way to her job as a junior trader at the Board of Trade in downtown Chicago.
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The morning was cool and crisp as I began my hike up the trail to the top of Terry Peak, and although it was late October, the sun was just beginning to warm the South Dakota mountainside.

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As Bethany finished up her last aerobics exercise, she noticed a very muscular dark-haired woman working out on the stationary bike in the strength and conditioning room.

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Bethany finished cleaning the breakfast dishes and was on her way out the door from her upscale suburban home and into the big four-wheel-drive Ford Explorer.

News, Entertainment, Sex, and Genital Size. So, how big are your genitals?

Genital Size (It's bigger than you think)

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