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Are You a ‘Grower’ or a ‘Shower’? Study Reveals Surprising Findings

Are you a “grower” or a “shower”? This may sound like crude slang, but it is an important consideration for urologists performing penile surgery. Recently, Spanish urologists conducted research on the size differences between flaccid and erect penises to determine whether most men are “growers” or “showers.” The findings were presented at the European Association of Urology Congress in Milan, Italy, and shed light on an often-overlooked aspect of male genitalia. Slang vocabulary often uses the term "grower" to describe a man whose penis significantly increases in size upon erection. Conver...

My number is?

Sexual Behavior of Women and Men Over 5 Decades: Has the Number of Partners Increased or Decreased?

The topic of sexual behavior and promiscuity has long been a subject of interest and controversy in modern society. One question that has been frequently asked is whether the number of sexual partners women and men have had has increased over time or decreased. In this article, we will examine the average number of sexual partners men and women have had over the past five decades and whether there has been an increase in this number or a decrease. Women The 1960s and 1970s were characterized by a sexual revolution, which challenged traditional views on sexuality and encouraged people to ex...


Understanding the Prevalence of Bisexuality among Men and Women

Bisexuality is a sexual orientation that refers to individuals who are attracted to both men and women. Despite its recognition as a valid and diverse sexual orientation, accurate estimates of the proportion of bisexual individuals among men and women are challenging to obtain. This is due to several factors, including stigma, discrimination, and lack of representation of bisexual individuals in various cultures and societies. Bisexual women, in particular, may face additional challenges, including biphobia and harmful gender and sexual stereotypes.

Love my gender!

Understanding the Prevalence of Homosexuality among Men and Women

Homosexuality is a topic that has been widely discussed and debated throughout history. It refers to sexual orientation where individuals are attracted to members of the same gender. Despite the increasing visibility of homosexuality in recent years, accurate estimates of the proportion of homosexual individuals among men and women are challenging to obtain. This is partly due to stigma and discrimination, as well as the lack of representation and visibility of homosexual individuals in some cultures and societies.

Low or high up?

How Human Testicles Regulate Temperature: The Importance of Thermoregulation

Human testicles are an essential component of the reproductive system and play a crucial role in regulating temperature. The testicles are responsible for producing sperm and testosterone, and for this, they need to be at a specific temperature range. If the temperature exceeds or falls below this range, it can affect the quality and quantity of sperm production, leading to infertility or other reproductive problems. In this article, we will explore how human testicles regulate temperature, the purpose of temperature regulation, and how the body accomplishes this task.

Testicle anatomy

The Human Testicles: Anatomy, Function, and Variations by Ethnic Group

The human testicles, also known as the testes, are a pair of reproductive glands that are critical for male reproductive health. They are responsible for producing sperm and the hormone testosterone, which plays a key role in male development and sexual function. Understanding the anatomy and function of the testicles is important for promoting male reproductive health and identifying any potential health issues.

Zero lift off

Erectile Dysfunction by Age: Understanding Prevalence and Risk Factors

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition that affects millions of men worldwide. It is characterized by the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual activity. ED is a complex condition that can be caused by a variety of physical, psychological, and lifestyle factors. Understanding the age groups that are most affected by ED can help healthcare professionals develop more effective prevention and treatment strategies.

Structure and Functionality

Understanding the Anatomy and Functions of the Human Penis

The human penis is a complex and unique organ that serves several important functions in the male reproductive system. This article will delve into the anatomy of the penis and its various functions, including sexual arousal and ejaculation, as well as the common conditions that can affect the penis.



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